1. Project scope and duration:
- Small Projects (90 hours): These projects are typically single-faceted and less complex. They are suitable for tasks that can be completed relatively quickly and require minimal interaction with mentors and other project members. Examples include fixing bugs, writing documentation, or implementing small features.
- Medium Projects (175 hours): These projects are more complex and multi-faceted than small projects but still manageable within a shorter timeframe. They often involve developing new features or making significant improvements to existing ones. Medium projects require a moderate level of interaction with mentors and other contributors.
- Large Projects (350 hours): These projects are the most complex and require a significant amount of work. They often span multiple aspects of a project and may involve extensive research, development, and testing. Large projects require frequent interactions with mentors and other project members and are suitable for contributors who can dedicate a substantial amount of time over the summer.
2. Estimated Time Commitment
- Small Projects: Approximately 90 hours, contributors can commit around 7-8 hours per week over a 12-week period.
- Medium Projects: Approximately 175 hours, contributors can commit around 15 hours per week over a 12-week period.
- Large Projects: Approximately 350 hours, contributors can commit around 30 hours per week over a 12-week period.
💡 We give the freedom for students and mentors to decide how they want to interact with each other. But we encourage them to schedule at least one 15-30min online meeting every 4-5 weeks to keep in touch.
3. Compensation structure:
We follow similar stipend structure to GSoC. It depends on project size and location.
The students should submit an invoice to [email protected]
once they complete their projects.
Invoice templates can be provided by @Kumar Shivendu if required.
Contributor Stipends for 2024 | Google Summer of Code | Google for Developers
4. Deadlines:
We will try to use GSoC timeline as deadlines. Students can propose their own timeline. But we should finish everything on or before the following deadlines:
- May 1st week: Qdrant should announce accepted students
- May 25: Students are on-boarded and have an intro call with their mentors
- May 27: Coding period officially begins
- Aug 19: Coding period end and students start writing a report and a blog about their project