Attention! Read Before.

Qdrant was not officially accepted into the Google Summer of Code 2024 program. However, we are still looking for young contributors to help us build excellent new features. We are introducing our Qdrant Summer of Code stipend and will accept three candidates to work on the projects. All the timelines and prerequisites of the official program still remain.

What is Qdrant?

Qdrant is a vector similarity engine & vector database written in Rust 🦀. It deploys as an API service to search for the nearest high-dimensional vectors. With Qdrant, embeddings or neural network encoders can be turned into full-fledged applications for matching, searching, recommending, and much more! Implementing a unique custom modification of the HNSW algorithm for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search, Qdrant achieves a State-of-the-Art speed and offers search filters without compromising on results. Filterable vector payload supports various data types and query conditions, including string matching, numerical ranges, geo-locations, and more. Unlike Elasticsearch post-filtering, Qdrant guarantees all relevant vectors are retrieved.

How to apply

You are supposed to make an application with a proposal at the GSoC website via email Please do not request individual GitHub issues to be assigned to you. Instead, make sure that you correctly understand the project scope and requirements, craft a proposal detailing your approach to the problem, and file your application at the GSoC website VIA EMAIL between March 18 and April 2. You may want to read our guide to learn how to apply for a GSoC internship at Qdrant.

Project ideas

Project: WASM-based dimension reduction viz 📊

Qdrant Web UI has a feature to visualize vectors using tSNE.




Size: 175h

Level: Medium

Possible Mentors: Andrey Vasnetsov, Kartik Gupta